*~**!SuM cUtE qUoTeS!**~*

*~*Friends are 4ever,
Guyz are wutever,
When worst comez 2 worst,
My girlz come 1st*~*~
~*~*StRuTiN OuR StUff ShAkIn OuR BoOtYiEz,Me n My GiRlZ,R LiL CuTiEz!!!
*~*ShAkIn My BoOtLe..MoViN mY hIpS MaKiN u DrOoL n LiCk Ya LiPs BeT nO oThEr gUrL cAn TeAsE yOu LiKe ThIs
~*~*I luv him,o yes I do, hes for me,not for u, and if by chance u take my place, I'll take my fist and smash your face!!!
*~** Basically u dont stress ME..U can't Impress ME..I ain't a tease..I'm just a reminder of what u can't please!
*~i have u in my heart~!*
i have u in my liver~!*
but if i had u in my arms i'd throw u in da river*
~*~*When the officer says: "Gee son you're eyes look red have you been drinking? respond:Gee officer your eyes looks glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?
*~*ReMeMbEr mY nAmE * ReMeMbEr My face * CuZ tHeRe AiNt nO oThA hOneY ThAt CaN tAkE mY pLaCe
~*~He HoLds Me WheN i StArT 2 cRy MaKeS Me cRy WiTh JuS HiS eYeZ ShAreZ My HoPes DrEaMs anD FeAr WiPes AwAy ALL My TeArs i LoVe hiM wiToUt rEgReT i JuS hAvEn't FoUnd HiM yEt
*~*I'm sugar and spice & EVERYTHING nice... b4 yOu Mess w/ Me... yOu BeTtA ThiNk twiCe
*~*A kIsS bLoWn iS a KiSs wAsTed, ThE OnLy KiNdA kIsS iS a KiSs tAsTeD
~*~A PeAcH iS a PeAcH, A PlUm Is A PlUm,
*~*NoThInG iS MoRe PaInFuL TheN rEaLiZiNg He MeNt EvErYtHiNg tO U aNd YoU MeNt nOtHiNg To HiM
~*~dOnT pUsH aNyOnE tOo hArD, iF itS mEaNt tO b It WIll HaPpEn
*~*I cAnT mAkE yOu loVe Me, AlL i CaN Do iS mAkE u LoVe mE UnTiL yoU gEt ScArEd aNd GiVe In
~*~HaTe Me CuZ YoU hAtE mE, Not CuZ YoU AinT mE*If YoUr naUghTy dOnT gO tO yOuR ROoM, If YoU wAnNa Be NaUgHtY gO tO MiNe
~*~Im a BiTcH i GoT cLaSs, MesS wIt mE I WiLL kIcK yOuR aSs, So aLL YoU HoEs ThAt tHiNk YoUr CoOl, JuS rEmeMbeR i RuLe
*~*iF i DrEsSeD uP wOuLd U cALL mE a GoOdiE gOoDiE? * i LoOk GoOd In SwEaTs & HoOdiEs.
~*~WuT u SeE iS wUt yoU LiKe, So DrOoL oN, DrEaM On, aNd MoVe On!
*~*u gOtTa LoVe mE wHeN a GuY uSeS ThE wRoNg heAd To mAkE Up hiS mInD.
$^! BlAnG bLAnG-iTs a HoT GuRL tHAng^!$
~*~YoU dOnT oWn Me, i DoNt C No RiNgZ oN thEsE FiNgeRz! (hEHe SaRa)

I think that chick has a eye twitching problem

~!** Fuck tha police **!~